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IRSC Math Club Earns Individual and Team Recognition at Math Olympics

IRSC Math Club Earns Individual and Team Recognition at Math Olympics

April 30, 2019 Robert Lane

Indian River State College math students traveled with faculty sponsors of the IRSC Math Club, Dr. Taylor Kilman, and Dr. Drake Harmon, to compete in the Florida Two-Year College Mathematics Association/University of North Florida College (FTYCMA/UNF) Math Olympics competition in Jacksonville held on Saturday, April 22. 

IRSC 2019 Math Olympics team at UNF in Jacksonville.

The IRSC team competed with state college math teams from across Florida at the Math Olympics in two individual written tests Saturday morning and team competition that afternoon. The IRSC team excelled during completion placing second overall in the team competition while team members Callie Zheng placed second and Xinyu Wang placed third in the individual competition.

The IRSC Math Olympics team members are Austin Beard, Callie Zheng, Xinyu Wang, Wei-Che Huang, Kyle Lukat, Rachel Dowell, and Mason Smet. Congratulations on our team for their outstanding performance!

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